Why the New Kwik Trip is a Great Addition to Cambridge
March 22, 2022
Cambridge is growing, and Kwik Trip is here to grow with it.
Who doesn’t love Kwik Trip?
It’s a station store synonymous and synchronous with two things; the upper Midwest and a growing community. And our city of Cambridge just so happens to fit the bill, and has become the latest stepping stone in the corporate giant’s territorial expansion.
While some community matriarchs and patriarchs will wave their fists in anger at the newcomer, arguing about “the way things used to be”, many will agree that the service station is a nice, modern, and convenient addition to Cambridge, mom and pop aside.
“The second location will be at the intersection of Highway 95 and Flanders, in the vacant lot next to Arby’s.” according to the County Star.
This location is important because it is at the far end of town, where the service stations are a bit more sparse than on the other side of Highway 65. It will be very convenient for people who have been shopping at large stores like Fleet Farm or Walmart to fuel up and grab some snacks. Of course, there are other stations around this part of Cambridge, but Kwik Trip has a certain convenience that is indispensable for the average consumer in a hurry.
Cambridge-Isanti’s student body is also very active in the community, so this Kwik Trip will also serve us in many ways. Whether it be the variety of hot breakfast options, or a good place to go after a long night of practice, it will serve everyone and even create some student jobs.
And while the expansion of large companies into small Minnesota towns like Dollar General, Kwik Trip, (and in Isanti’s case Coburn’s) may scare some, this new store will be a great addition to our community. The people here have a great respect for local institutions and modern places like Kwik Trip can coexist with the likes of Herman’s Bakery and People’s Cafe to create a better, more convenient community for all.
And they all have great cinnamon rolls.