Come one! Come all! to the Cambridge Isanti High School talent show! Our school holds a talent show once every year, where you can show off your incredible abilities! It is a special time for all students to show off their incredible abilities, which make them special.
All talent can join the talent show. All you have to do is go to Mr. Filley’s room and try out. The auditions will be for two days in Filley’s room before and after school. Any talent and abilities can be a part of the show: animation, videography, gymnastics, hula hooping, acting, dance, singing, clothing design, and music playing.
We would love to take any talent you have and add it to our show. Every one of you students is amazing, and we would love to share your beautiful talents with others.
This is such a fun event and a great way to bond with others. Please come down to the south house in Mr. Filley’s room 156 and audition on the 25th and 27th before or after school. Currently, we only have six acts, and it would be truly wonderful to get more incredible people to join.
If you want to sign up or need more information, please check out the post, talk to Mr.Filley, and scan the QR code at the bottom.