Modern Santa Explained

Modern Santa Explained

Richard Benson, Staff Writer

Saint Nicholas, in contemporary culture, is represented as a magical man who gives gifts to children all over the world, A man known as Santa. Santa came to be because of rumors of Saint Nicholas possessing healing magic abilities (not true). A cartoonist once sketched a man giving presents based on what Saint Nicholas did. The people fell in love with this interpretation of an older man delivering gifts to children, and the character in the sketch was named Santa. So that’s why Santa exists.
Ever since the creation of Santa, which even dates back before the cartoonist, there have been tales of his magical reindeer and his having elves who make toys for the world’s children.
So, in conclusion, Saint Nicholas was a real person who gave gifts to the poor and helped the people of Myra. Unfortunately, modern culture has turned this incredible man into an immortal magical being who delivers presents to all the people in the world. In one way, it is a way to remember the great man Saint Nicholas forever.