It has often been debated whether online schooling is better than in-person schooling. This article will cover the benefits and solutions to possible challenges of both forms of education to discover which form of schooling you would prefer. (Note: I will refer to Cambridge Isanti’s online schooling as CIO during this article.)
CIO schooling:
CIO schooling has become more accessible in recent years due to the rise in technology. Many now have more access to online high school and college classes, which has caused a spike in popularity in the form of CIO education. There are many pros to CIO schooling, one of them being flexibility. When you learn from CIO, you are given a lot of flexibility because you can choose when to attend school and what time schedules you want for your classes.
Having a flexible online learning schedule is a great benefit because it allows you to control your education. This allows you to have the option to manage your time at school better and find a time frame that works best for your specific needs.
Another benefit to CIO schooling is that you get to learn in a safe and familiar place. Because you are learning in the comfort of your own home, you can easily find yourself having reduced stress and more relaxation when completing school work. Also, CIO schooling allows you not to have to worry about your education being deterred by global effects because you have access to your education at all times.
A minuscule problem concerning online schooling is the lack of socialization. When completing online education, you can often spend most of your time by yourself doing school work. This can be remedied by going to public events or hanging out with people you know at your leisure.
The most common problem concerning online schooling is finding the self-motivation to learn. Students often struggle with this when learning from home. This is because many things can distract them from learning, such as a TV playing in the background or a buzzing phone. A solution to this problem is finding a quiet, isolated room to study and learn. Having a room free of distractions can benefit online learning because it allows you to focus solely on your education.
After listing both the benefits and solutions to possible problems of online learning, there are many benefits to CIO and easy solutions to simple problems that come with online learning. If you decide to learn through CIO, I am sure that you will find incredible academic success with the great program provided by CIHS.
In-person schooling at CIHS:
In-person schooling has existed since the inception of education. CIHS has many benefits, one of which is being physically present when attending classes. Many prefer learning in person because they are actually at school, which often makes it easier to learn lessons and focus on completing assignments.
Being physically present in school also allows you to easily socialize in and out of class during the school day. Socialization at school is a very healthy aspect of in-person schooling, and it is one of the best things about active learning, for socialization at school can lead to lifelong bonds being formed.
Another pro of CIHS is that you have a more structured environment. The structured learning environment allows you to have easy access to resources. These resources can include asking the teacher for assistance and referring to your counselor about your GPA requirements. Another benefit to a structured environment is that you have instructors who are actively teaching you the subject material in class.
It has been proven that active learning teaches students more information than they would learn by reading the same information on their own. Due to the added learning benefits of in-person schooling, it is widely appreciated by many, but that does not mean it isn’t without its Challenges. Some common adversities of in-person schooling include not having very flexible schedules.
While it is true that you can choose the classes you take in in-person schooling, you may not get all the classes you want in your schedule. Also, trying to change your schedule by swapping class periods can be trouble.
These scheduling problems can be fixed if you contact your counselor and negotiate a schedule that works best for your preference. If you contact your counselor about a problem with your schedule they often will easily help you change your schedule into something that works better to your needs.
Another problem concerning in-person schooling can be the possibility of world problems negatively affecting your education. CIHS has easily fixed the problem of not being able to be physically present at school by establishing E-learning days. CIHS having all of your classes available on Schoology has allowed students to always stay up to date on assignments and know what they have missed on days when they cannot attend school.
In-person schooling at CIHS provides a very structured environment that allows many students to have a very effective and consistent education. CIHS has also made many strides in perfecting some of the glaring problems of in-person schooling. They have addressed not being able to always be physically present at school by providing E-learning days and having all class information posted on Schoology. I am certain if you choose to learn through the in-person schooling curriculum provided by CIHS that you will find great academic success.
After hearing both the benefits and challenges of online schooling and in-person schooling, I can confidently say that both CIO and CIHS in-person schooling are good options for education. When deciding whether to pursue your education through online schooling or in-person schooling, you should look at yourself as a person and ask yourself some questions. If you know yourself to be a very timely, independent, and easily self-motivated person, then CIO is a perfect choice for you.
On the other hand, if you do not care much about personalizing your schedule, prefer going to school at regular hours, and enjoy the active learning and socialization of school, then CIHS in-person schooling is probably the best choice for you. In the end, it all depends on how you prefer to learn and how you wish to pursue your education.